IDLIB - Scorched Earth... Where is the UN?

Idlib is being subjected to a medieval type scorched earth assault withSyrian and Russian forces incinerating and killing everything in theirpath.  They are even prepared to attack troopsfrom a NATO country (Turkey) in their pursuit of total victory. 

This month marks 6 years since the devastating nerve agent attack inGhouta which killed 1,500 people.  Then the British and U.S. governmentsdecided not to punish Assad for crossing a redline.  As a result, chemicalweapons have now proliferated globally, and we have seen up to 500 documenteduses in Syria. ISIS has used them in Syria and Iraq, N Korea in Kuala Lumpurand the Russians in the UK.  They have been demonstrated as morbidlybrilliant weapons if you have no morals or scruples on their use, and theperfect terror weapon. Due to our weakness to not uphold the redline they arelikely to threaten us for years to come. 

I was in Idlib this month. The doctors I was with fear chemical attacksabove all else.  Assad uses this tactic whenhe’s in trouble or take difficult objectives for example in Aleppo 2016.  All in Idlib are braced for their use in thecoming weeks.  Assad knows that he may get a few cruise missiles for histroubles but it will help him retake Idlib, and his own casualties are oflittle consequence. Putin has also no doubt advised him that the G7 and UNSecurity Council are too self-interested and dis-interested to oppose thisaction.  At this stage, there seemslittle chance that anybody will come marching over the hill to save the civilianstrapped in this shattered province in the eastern Mediterranean.

The juxtaposition with the conventional munitions raining down on Idlibis stark. 100s of civilians are being killed in this ferocious assault. Thereis a rolling barrage of air strikes and artillery, moving in a line North West,destroying and killing everything in its path even as the internationalcommunity sits on its hands.  There are 3 million civilians trappedamongst around 5000 jihadist fighters of HTS in an area the size of greaterLondon. 

If we do nothing for the women and children in Idlib, as we did nothingwhen chemical weapons were used 6 years ago, breaking the 100-year taboo oftheir use, every dictator, despot, rogue state and terrorist, will have freerein to attack, murder and kill with apparent impunity.  It is time forthe West, in particular, to regain its moral compass and if necessary to commitBritish, American and French boots on the ground, along with the Russians if necessary,and Turks, to defeat the terrorists in Idlib and save 3 millioncivilians.  Only then can we expect a lasting peace, and reconstructioncan begin which undoubtedly the West will have to pay for.  The UN has been virtually absent during thisconflict and needs to turn up before it becomes completely irrelevant.


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